Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

Anotasi Bibliografi Multimedia Pembelajaran Hendrison Baulu

Anotasi Bibliografi Multimedia Pembelajaran
Hendrison Baulu

 (1).     Ioannou,A., Brown, S.W., Hannafin, R.D., Boyer,M.A., (2009). Can Multimedia Make Kids Care About Social Studies? The GlobalEd Problem-Based Learning Simulation. Vol. 26 Issue 1, p63-81. ISSN: 07380569

            This study investigated whether using multimedia-based instructional material in a problem-based social studies simulation enhances student learning about world issues, increases interest in social studies, and generates positive attitudes toward the instruction. The GlobalEd Project, a Web-based international negotiation simulation embedded in the middle school social studies curriculum, was used in this investigation. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with a multimedia group (MG) and a text group (TG). A total of 190 students participated in the study. Results indicated that students in the MG had marginally larger gains in knowledge and interest than their counterparts in the TG. In addition, students in the MG used the Web site more extensively than students in the TG. Directions for future research and multimedia developers are discussed
Penelitian ini menyelidiki apakah menggunakan multimedia berbasis bahan instruksional dalam simulasi penelitian berbasis masalah sosialmeningkatkan minat siswa tentang isu-isu dunia, meningkatkan minatdalam studi sosial, dan menghasilkan sikap positif terhadap pembelajaran.Penelitian ini digunakan desain kuasi-eksperimental dengan kelompokmultimedia (MG) dan kelompok teks (TG). Sebanyak 190 siswaberpartisipasi dalam studi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa diMG pengetahuan dan minat lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa pada kelompok TG.

(2). Kingsley, K. V. & Boone, R. (2008-09).  Effects of multimedia software on achievement of middle school students in an American History class.  Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41 (2), 203-221.
Shares implementation and results of an experimental study that included a treatment and control group of students using multimedia software in American History class vs. students who did not use the software.

Implementasi dan hasil dari sebuah studi ekperimental yang menyangkut pemberian perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dari penggunaan perangkat lunak multimedia oleh siswa pada kelas Sejarah Amerika dibandingkan siswa yang tidak menggunakan perangkat lunak. 

(3). Mengchun Ding & Hongxin Li. (2011). On the Application of Multimedia in Economics Teaching. International Education Studies. www.ccsenet.org/ies, 4(3), 88-90, ISSN 1913-9020.
Multimedia has become an important teaching technology in higher education inside and outside, with its advantages of super-media, strong expression, and interaction. The application of multimedia teaching connects closely with teaching reform and innovation. In this paper, authors conclude the defects of traditional economics teaching and the advantages of multimedia teaching, and put forward some practical measures for improving economics teaching effects by means of multimedia.

Multimedia telah menjadi teknologi pengajaran penting dalam pendidikan tinggi dalam dan luar negeri, dengan keuntungan super-media, ekspresi yang kuat, dan interaksi. Penerapan pengajaran multimedia menghubungkan
erat dengan reformasi pengajaran dan inovasi. Dalam makalah ini,penulis menyimpulkan cacat pengajaran ekonomi tradisional dankeuntungan dari pengajaran secara multimedia, dan mengajukanbeberapa langkah-langkah praktis untuk meningkatkan pengaruh pengajaran ekonomi mengajar melalui multimedia.

(4). Brush, T.A., Saye, J.W.  (2001). A Summary of Research Exploring Hard and Soft caffolding for Teachers and Students Using a Multimedia Supported Learning Environment. The journal of Interactive Online Learning. 1(2), 1-12. ISSN : 1541-4914.

This experiment with ideas about how soft and hard scaffolding may be used to support disciplined inquiry in social studies, we developed Decision Point! (DP), an integrated set of multimedia content resources and tools for exploring the African-American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s (Brush & Saye, 2000; Saye & Brush, 1999). The DP environment provides multimedia civil rights content resources in an interactive hypermedia database and scaffolding tools for identifying, collecting, and analyzing historical information. The database features primary print documents, period news footage, interviews, and music. All data are organized into three strands representing primary change strategies: working within the legal system, nonviolent protest, and black power.
The structure of the DP database provides conceptual scaffolds to help students organize and connect evidence within the broader dimensions of the problem landscape. Events are associated with particular change strategies and primary documents are associated with particular events. Within events, evidence is grouped by document type with the expectation that such categorization will help students consider the source of the evidence. Contextual data retrieval charts associated with each event provide more specific strategic scaffolds by helping students to ask more expert questions of historical evidence. A presentation construction tool provides procedural and strategic support to help students use evidence to author more reasoned problem narratives.

  Eksperimen ini dengan ide-ide tentang bagaimana perangkat lunak dan keras dapat digunakan untuk mendukung Inqui dalam penelitiansosial, kami mengembangkan Titik Keputusan! (DP), satu setmultimedia isi dan alat untuk menjelajahi Afrika-Amerika Gerakan HakSipil tahun 1950-an dan 60-an (Brush & Saye, 2000; Saye & Brush,1999). Lingkungan DP menyediakan sumber daya multimedia hak-hak sipil konten dalam sebuah database dan perancah hypermedia interaktifalat untuk mengidentifikasi, mengumpulkan, dan menganalisis informasi sejarah. Database fitur mencetak dokumen primer, periode cuplikanberita, wawancara, dan musik. Semua data tersebut akan disusun dalam tiga helai mewakili strategi perubahan utama: bekerja dalam sistem hukum, protes tanpa kekerasan, dan kekuatan hitam.
      Struktur dari database DP menyediakan perancah konseptual untuk membantu siswa mengatur dan menghubungkan bukti dalam dimensiyang lebih luas dari  masalah. Hal yang terkait dengan strategi perubahan tertentu dan dokumen primer dikaitkan dengan peristiwatertentu. Dalam peristiwa, bukti dikelompokkan menurut jenis dokumen dengan harapan bahwa kategorisasi tersebut akan membantu siswamempertimbangkan sumber bukti. Grafik kontekstual pengambilan data yang terkait dengan acara masing-masing memberikan perancahstrategis yang lebih spesifik dengan membantu siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan lebih ahli bukti sejarah. Sebuah alat konstruksipresentasi menyediakan dukungan prosedural dan strategis untuk membantu siswa menggunakan bukti untuk cerita masalah penulis yang lebih beralasan.

(5). Ramos,P.H, Susan, D.L., (2009). Learning History in Middle School by Designing Multimedia in a Project-Based Learning Experience. Journal of Research on Technology in Education JRTE42(2), 151–173

This article describes a study in which eighth grade students in one school learned to create multimedia mini-documentaries in a six-week history unit on early 19th-century U.S. history. The authors examined content knowledge tests, group projects, and attitude and opinion surveys to determine relative benefits for students who participated in a technology-assisted project-based learning experience, and contrasted their experiences to those of students who received a more traditional form of instruction. Results from content knowledge measures showed significant gains for students in the project-based learning condition as compared to students in the comparison school. Students’ work in the intervention condition also revealed growth in their historical thinking skills, as many were able to grasp a fundamental understanding that history is more than presenting facts. Implications and suggestions for technology-enhanced project-based learning experiences are indicated.

Artikel ini menggambarkan sebuah studi di mana siswa kelas delapan di salah satu sekolah belajar membuat multimedia mini dokumenter sebuah unit sejarah enam minggu pada awal abad ke-19 sejarah AS. Para penulis memeriksa tes pengetahuan, proyek, kelompok, dan sikap dan survei pendapat untuk menentukan manfaat bagi siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam pengalaman teknologi dibantu pembelajaran berbasis proyek berdasarkan pengalaman belajar, dan dikontraskan pengalaman mereka kepada siswa pada pembelajaran tradisional. Hasil dari penilaian pengetahuan menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikanpada siswa yang belajar berbasis proyek dibandingkan dengan siswa di sekolah perbandingan. Karya siswa dalam kondisi intervensi jugamenunukkan perkembangan berpikir sejarah, karena banyak orang dapat memahami pemahaman mendasar bahwa sejarah lebih dari fakta presentasi.

(6). Kingsley, K.V, Boone, R., (2008). Effects of multimedia software on achievement of middle school students in an American History class.(Report). Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 41(2), 203-221.
This study investigated social studies achievement as a result of utilizing a multimedia-based American history software program (Ignite Early American History, 2003) to augment textbook and lecture materials for seventh-grade middle school history students in an ethnically and linguistically diverse urban school district. The instructional software used was an interactive multimedia program designed to teach middle school students through video, song, animation, text, and other media to develop critical thinking skills while acquiring knowledge of required content strands (Ignite Learning, 2003). Teacher and student activities, pretest and posttest scores, and instructional methods for experimental and control conditions were documented in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the results.
Penelitian ini mengenai pencapaian pembelajaran sosial sebagai hasil dari pemanfaatan multimedia berbasis sejarah lahirnya program perangkat lunak Amerika untuk menambah buku dan bahanpembelajara bagi siswa kelas tujuh sekolah menengah sejarah di distrik sekolah etnis dan beragam bahasa perkotaan. Perangkat lunakpembelajaran yang digunakan adalah program multimedia interaktif yang dirancang untuk mengajar siswa sekolah menengah melalui video, lagu teks, animasi, dan media lainnya untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis ketika memperoleh pengetahuan. Aktivitasguru dan siswa, skor pretest dan posttest, dan metode pembelajaranuntuk kelas eksperimen dan kontrol didokumentasikan dalam rangka untuk memberikan hasil pemahaman yang komprehensif.

(7).  Moore, H.A, Pippert, T.D.,(1999). Multiple Perspectives on Multimedia in the Large Lecture. Sociology Department, Faculty Publications. This paper is posted at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/148

Sociology instructors should consider adopting more complex computer multimedia in light of balancing interests: (1) resource scarcity in education and (2) few direct demonstrable effects of media on objective measures of student test outcomes in this and other research. However, our participants consistently cite considerable enhancement of students' cognitive skills and motivations (especially note taking and student interest levels), and our instructors endorse the positive effects of multimedia development on the process of reworking and rethinking their course curricula and materials.

Pengajar Sosiologi  harus mempertimbangkan adopsi multimediakomputer yang lebih kompleks, diantaranya kelangkaan sumber dayadalam pendidikan dan efek media pada penilaian hasil tes siswa.Terdapat peningkatan keterampilan kognitif siswa dan motivasi (catatankhusus mengenai tingkat ketertarikan mahasiswa), dan pengajarmendukung efek positif dari pengembangan multimedia dengan cara memperbaiki dan memikirkan kembali kurikulum dan materi ajar pembelajaran mereka.


Despite technology’s presence in virtually every public school, its documented familiarity and use by youth outside of school, and the wealth of resources it provides for teaching social studies, there has been relatively little empirical research on its effectiveness for the teaching and learning of social studies. In an effort to begin to fill this gap in research literature, this book focuses on research on technology in social studies education. The objectives of this volume are threefold: to describe research frameworks, provide examples of empirical research, and chart a course for future research endeavors. Accordingly, the volume is divided into three overarching sections: research constructs and contexts, research reports, and research reviews.

The need for research is particularly acute within the field of social studies and technology. As the primary purpose of social studies is to prepare the young people of today to be the citizens of tomorrow, it is necessary to examine how technology tools impact, improve, and otherwise affect teaching and learning in social studies. Given these circumstances, we have prepared this collection of research conceptualizations, reports, and reviews to achieve three goals.
The book is divided into four sections. The first section of the book includes three descriptions of research constructs and contexts in social studies and technology. The second section is focused on research reports from studies of student learning in social studies with technology. The third section contains research reports on teachers’ pedagogical considerations for using technology in social studies. In the fourth and final section, we present work that broadly reviews and critiques research in focused areas of social studies and technology. This volume contains twelve chapters, each of which focuses on social studies content and pedagogy and how the field is affected and enhanced with technology

Buku ini berfokus pada penelitian pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pendidikan ilmu sosial. Pada penelitia ini perlu mengkaji bagaimana alat teknologi mempengaruhi, memperbaiki, dan mempengaruhi proses belajar dan mengajar pada pendidikan sosial. Buku ini dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Bagian pertama buku ini mencakup tiga deskripsirancangan penelitian dan konteks dalam pembelajaran sosial danteknologi. Bagian kedua difokuskan pada laporan penelitian dari prosesbelajar siswa dalam penelitian sosial dengan teknologi. Bagian ketigaberisi laporan-laporan penelitian tentang pertimbangan pedagogis gurudalam menggunakan teknologi pada pembelajaran sosial. Bagiankeempat berisi ulasan dan kritik penelitian yang  difokuskan padapenelitian sosial dan teknologi.

(9).      Hallett, T.L., Faria, G., (2006). Teaching with Multimedia: Do Bells and Whistles Help Students Learn?. Journal of Technology in Human Services; 2006, Vol. 24 Issue 2/3, p167-179. ISSN: 15228835.

            This study compared 30 undergraduate social work and speech language pathology students' recall of material presented through multimedia versus traditional lecture. Advanced multimedia included audio, video, animation, graphics, text, and special effects. Traditional lecture included a text display in the form of PowerPoint bullets only. Both conditions presented material on the brain and the ear. Quantitative and qualitative results indicated that multimedia presentations had a positive effect on learning. Similar findings were obtained during a follow-up study three weeks later.
Studi ini membandingkan 30 sarjana sosial dan patologi bahasa pidatosiswa tentang materi yang disajikan melalui multimedia dibandingkankuliah tradisional. Multimedia yang canggih termasuk audio, video,animasi, grafik, teks, dan efek khusus. Kuliah tradisional termasukmenampilkan teks dalam bentuk peluru PowerPoint saja. Kedua kondisi yang disajikan materi pada otak dan telinga. Hasil kuantitatif dankualitatif menunjukkan bahwa presentasi multimedia memiliki dampakpositif pada pembelajaran. Temuan serupa diperoleh selama studitindak lanjut tiga minggu kemudian.

(10).    Gulbahar, Y., & Guven, I. (2008). A Survey on ICT Usage and the Perceptions of Social Studies Teachers in Turkey. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (3), 37-51.

Turkey has been undertaking many projects to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sources into practice in the teaching-learning process in educational institutions. This research study sheds light on the use of ICT tools in primary schools in the social studies subject area, by considering various variables which affect the success of the implementation of the use of these tools. A survey was completed by 326 teachers who teach fourth and fifth grade at primary level. The results showed that although teachers are willing to use ICT resources and are aware of the existing potential, they are facing problems in relation to accessibility to ICT resources and lack of in-service training opportunities.

Turki telah melakukan banyak proyek untuk mengintegrasikan sumber Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam praktek prosesbelajar-mengajar di lembaga pendidikan. Penelitian ini menyorotipenggunaan alat-alat TIK di sekolah dasar pada studi sosial, dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai variabel yang mempengaruhikeberhasilan pelaksanaan penggunaan TIK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun guru bersedia untuk menggunakan sumber daya TIK dan menyadari potensi yang ada, merekamenghadapi masalah dalam kaitannya dengan aksesibilitas terhadapsumber daya TIK dan kurangnya kesempatan pelatihan.

(11).    Hayashi, A., Chen, C., Ryan, T., Jiinpo,W., (2004). The Role of Social Presence and Moderating Role of Computer Self Efficacy in Predicting the Continuance Usage of E-Learning Systems. Journal of Information Systems Education; Jun2004, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p139-154. ISSN: 10553096 .

The continuous growth of the electronic learning (e-learning) market has drawn a lot of discussion about the effectiveness of virtual learning environments (VLE). The initial emphasis of e-learning in the context of information technology skills training continues to be relevant. The success of an e-learning program in information technology (IT) may require users to be equipped with a certain degree of computer self-efficacy and affect for information systems. These factors may, in turn, influence the satisfaction level of online learners and their intention to continue using the e-learning system. Therefore, it is plausible that these factors may be as important as or more important than the design of an effective VLE in an IT context. This paper blends the Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) and Expectation-Confirmation Models (ECM), and assesses their applicability on the intention of online learners who continue using the e-learning system as a vehicle to assimilate IT skills. Second, it theorizes the causal relationship of the factors of Perceived Usefulness, Confirmation, Satisfaction, and IS Continuance in the e-learning context. Finally, it assesses the relative importance of social presence in helping online learners to prevail over the online asynchronous environment. Our results indicate that, in the context of assimilating IT skills, there is not a significant relationship among the CSE of online learners, their perceived usefulness, confirmation, and satisfaction level. As a moderating factor, computer self-efficacy does not have significant influence on learning outcomes. For knowledge long transfer, social presence was shown to have an effect in different VLEs.

Perkembangan pembelajaran elektronik (e-learning) telah menarikbanyak diskusi tentang efektivitas lingkungan belajar virtual (VLE).Keberhasilan program e-learning di bidang teknologi informasi (TI)mungkin mengharuskan pengguna memiliki komputer self-efficacydan keteranpilan sistem informasi. Faktor-faktor ini, pada gilirannya,mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan peserta didik online dan niat mereka untuk terus menggunakan sistem e-learning. Makalah ini memadukanSelf-Efficacy Komputer (CSE) dan Harapan-Konfirmasi Model (ECM),dan menilai penerapannya pada keinginan peserta didik online yangterus menggunakan sistem e-learning sebagai sarana untuk mengasimilasi kemampuan IT. Hubungan kausal faktor teori dari Kegunaan Persepsi, Konfirmasi, Kepuasan, dan IS kelangsungannyadalam konteks e-learning. Pentingnya penilaian relatif dari kehadiran sosial dalam membantu pembelajar online untuk berhasil dalamlingkungan asynchronous online. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa,dalam konteks asimilasi kemampuan IT, tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara CSE peserta didik secara online, kegunaan yang dirasakan, konfirmasi, dan tingkat kepuasan. Sebagai faktormoderating, komputer self-efficacy tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan pada hasil belajar. Untuk transfer pengetahuan yang panjang,kehadiran sosial telah menunjukkan efek dalam VLEs berbeda.

(12). Brown, S. P., (2006). Social Studies/Multimedia: Continents. School Library Media Activities Monthly; May2006, Vol. 22 Issue 9, p17-19, 3p.
Presents an educational activity for grades 1-2 students to enhance their knowledge of cultural practices in several continents through the creation of a travel brochure. Information resources that can be used; Roles of teachers and library media specialists in the project; Procedures for the completion of the activity.

Menyajikan suatu kegiatan pendidikan untuk siswa kelas 1-2 dalammeningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang praktek-praktek budaya di beberapa benua melalui penciptaan sebuah brosur perjalanan.Informasi sumber daya yang dapat digunakan; Peran guru danperpustakaan media spesialis dalam proyek; Prosedur untuk penyelesaian kegiatan.

(13). New Media Educational Technologies -- Applications for Social Inclusion. Multimedia Information & Technology; May2008, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p61-64, 4p. ISSN: 1466190X

The article aims to share the author's research and development experiences with the broad learning technology research communities. Principally, it aims to disseminate key findings from the ESF EQUAL Equinex project and on the development, piloting and completion of the multimedia-based Addressing Barriers-Enhancing Services series of Equality and Diversity skills development e-training resources. Accordingly, the project served as an engine for innovation in seeking to address the problem of barriers to learning and employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups.


(14).     Besser, H. (1995). Multimedia and networks teach about museums. Issues in maintaining a WWW site to facilitate distance learning. Selected papers from the Third International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums; 1995, p124-140, 17p.

A wide array of technological resources were employed to teach a course on the impact of multimedia and networks. The course, taught simultaneously at the University of Michigan and the University of California at Berkeley, examined the impact of new technologies from a variety of perspectives (including cultural, political, and social), and focused on that impact upon daily life and upon social and cultural institutions (such as museums, libraries, and schools). Cutting-edge technologies were used to conduct the course in the two sites, and to provide text and multimedia resources to enrolled students and to the general public. This paper reports on the experience of mounting multimedia information on the World Wide Web, both for public consumption and to instruct students in the course. Paying particular attention to methods for making the information stand on its own without the presence of the instructor, the paper outlines a wide variety of issues, including: design concerns, technical limitations, and privacy issues. Concerns of ongoing maintenance of a World Wide Web site are detailed.
Teknologi dipergunakan untuk mengajar pelajaran sebagai dampak dari multimedia dan jaringan. Dampak dari teknologi baru dari berbagai perspektif (mencakup budaya, politik, dan sosial), dan difokuskn pada dampak kehidupan sehari-hari, sosial dan institusi budaya. Pada artikel ini dilaporkan bahwa sejumlah multimedia informasi seperi World Wide Web, keduanya dapat dijadikan sebagai pembelajaran bagi siswa. 
Sebuah beragam sumber daya teknologi yang dipekerjakan untuk mengajar kursus 1995 tentang dampak multimedia dan jaringan. Kursus ini, diajarkan secara simultan di University of Michigan dan University of California di Berkeley, meneliti dampak dari teknologi baru dari berbagaiperspektif (termasuk budaya, politik, dan sosial), dan terfokus padayang berdampak pada kehidupan sehari-hari dan pada sosial dan budaya institusi (seperti museum, perpustakaan, dan sekolah). Cutting-edge teknologi yang digunakan untuk melakukan kursus di dua lokasi,dan untuk menyediakan sumber daya teks dan multimedia untukmahasiswa yang terdaftar dan untuk masyarakat umum. Makalah ini melaporkan pengalaman multimedia informasi pemasangan pada World Wide Web, baik untuk konsumsi publik dan untuk menginstruksikan siswa dalam kursus. Membayar perhatian khusus untuk metode untuk membuat informasi berdiri sendiri tanpa kehadiran instruktur, kertasmenguraikan berbagai isu, termasuk: masalah desain, keterbatasan teknis, dan masalah privasi. Kekhawatiran pemeliharaan dari situsWorld Wide Web yang rinci. Prosiding Diterbitkan oleh Archives & Museum Informatika, Amerika Serikat, 1995.

(15). Ramig, Renee., (2009).Social Media in the Classroom. MultiMedia & Internet@Schools; Nov/Dec2009, Vol. 16 Issue 6, p8-10, 3p. ISSN:15464636

The article discusses the benefits of social media use among children, as young as primary age right on to secondary students. It classifies the usage of social media, such as Blogger, Facebook and MySpace, according to various age groups, and provides some guidelines on proper usage and application according to each group. It also presents the benefits of incorporating social media into schools.

Artikel ini membahas manfaat dari media sosial yang digunakan di kalangan anak-anak, remaja siswa sekolah pertama. Inimengklasifikasikan penggunaan media sosial, seperti Blogger,Facebook dan MySpace, menurut berbagai kelompok umur, dan memberikan beberapa panduan tentang penggunaan yang tepat danaplikasi sesuai dengan masing-masing kelompok. Hal ini jugamenyajikan manfaat menggabungkan media sosial ke sekolah-sekolah.

(16). Ricketts, J. Wolfe, F.H. Norvelle, E. Carpenter, E.H. (2000). Multimedia: asynchronous distributed education--a review and case study. Social Science Computer Review; Summer 2000, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p132-146, 15p. ISSN:08944393.

Interest in and delivery of distributed education has increased rapidly in the past decade. Technology brings the promise of creating superior learning environments relative to the traditional classroom as well as delivering these learning experiences to greater numbers and more diverse audiences. However, successful creation and delivery of distributed courses requires new dimensions in thought and creativity, since a direct translation from classroom to computer will not enhance the learning experience. To make distributed education work, instructors must rethink their role as teacher, and students must take charge of their own learning experience. Many accommodations must be made in distributed course creation to ensure a student-centered environment that overcomes the feeling of isolation. Discusses these themes in relation to the authors' experiences in delivering an asynchronous distributed introductory course at the University of Arizona.

Teknologi menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang lebih ungguldibandingkan dengan kelas tradisional serta memberikanpengalaman-pengalaman belajar yang lebi banyak dan audien yang lebih beragam. Untuk membuat pembelajaran yang sukses dan kreatif membutuhkan dimensi baru dalam berpikir dan kreativitas.Instruktur harus memikirkan kembali peran mereka sebagai guru, dan menciptakan lingkungan yang berpusat pada siswa.

(17).  Mehmet, Acikalin.  Erdinc, Duru. (2005). The Use Of Computer Technologies In The Social Studies Classroom. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET. 4 (2), 18-25. ISSN: 1303-6521.

Nowadays, the use of technology in education has become more popular. Special attention has been given to the adaptation of computer technology into teaching-learning process for effective learning and increasing students’ achievement. In recent years, it has been realized that there is an immense benefit in applying computer technology in the social studies classroom. The first purpose of this study is to review computer - and Internet-supported instructional strategies in the social studies classroom. The second purpose of the study is to investigate the degree of application of these strategiesin the social studies classroom. Thus, based on the literature review, the results of the research regarding computer technology in the social studies classroom are summarized, and educational implications are discussed. Therefore, many social studies software/CD-ROM programs now available to support teaching strategies in the social studies classroom. As Berson (1996) asserts, one of the major purposes of social studies is to promote effective citizens who posses the critical thinking and decision making skills to function in a democratic society. Thus, reflective inquiry, problem solving and decision making skills are considered essential for the contemporary social studies education. Research shows that computer- and Internet-supported teaching strategies have crucial roles in facilitating the development of students’ critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills

Penggunaan teknologi dalam pendidikan telah menjadi lebih populer. Perhatian khusus diberikan untuk adaptasi teknologi komputer dalam proses belajar mengajar yang efektif untuk meningkatkan pencapaian belajar siswa. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penerapan teknologi komputer di kelas studi social menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan.Adapun tujuan penelitian dalam artikel ini yaitu untuk meninjau strategi pembelajaran yang didukung komputer - dan Internet pada kelas studi social, selain itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki tingkat penerapan strategi kelas studi sosial. Banyak software/CD-ROM program untuk kelas studi sosial yang bertujuan ntuk mendorong agar siswa berpikir kritis dan terampil dalam mengambil keputusan yang penting dalam pendidikan ilmu sosial. Penelitian ini menggambarkan pentingnya strategi pembelajaran yang didukung oleh komputer-internet dalam mengembangkan berpikir kritis, pemecahan masalah, dan keahlian dalam membuat keputusan oleh siswa.

 (18). Hagen, J., Albrechtsen, E., Johnsen, S.O. (2011). The long-term effects of information security e-learning on organizational learning. Information Management & Computer Security; 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p140-154, 15p. ISSN:09685227.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to measure and discuss the long-term effects of an e-learning tool aiming at improving the information security knowledge, awareness, and behaviour of employees. Design/methodology/approach – The intervention study had two assessments of knowledge and attitudes among employees: one survey, one week before the intervention, and one survey eight months after the intervention. The population was divided into an intervention group and a control group, where the only separated the groups was participation in the intervention (i.e. the e-learning tool). Findings – The study documents that the effects of the intervention on security awareness and behavior partly remains more than half a year after the intervention, but that the detailed knowledge on information security issues diminished during the period. The study also discusses how such courseware can contribute to long-term organizational learning compared with human interventions such as action research. Both human resource management and internal promotion are necessary input in the process to successfully educate and train employees in information security. Research limitations/implications – One weakness of concern is the low response rate of 37 in the final analysis. Practical implications – The study can document that short-time effects of software supported information security awareness on employees' knowledge, behaviour, and awareness diminish over time. It is thus important to maintain and continually perform information security awareness. More interventions studies, following the same principles as presented in this paper, of other user-directed measures is needed, to test and document the effects of different measures. Originality/value – The paper is innovative in the area of information security research as it shows how an information security intervention can be measured.


(19).    Hansen, F.B., Resnick, Hy., Galea, J., (2002). Better Listening: Paraphrasing and Perception Checking- A Study of the Effectiveness of a Multimedia Skills Training Program. Journal of Technology in Human Services; 2002, Vol. 20 Issue 3/4, p317. ISSN: 15228835

The authors describe a multimedia communications skills training CD-ROM for human service students and practitioners and evaluate its effectiveness with undergraduate social work students in Canada.


(20).    Abdelraheem, A.Y, Abdelraheem, A.H. (2005).Utilisation and Benefits of Instructional Media in Teaching Social Studies Courses as Perceived by Omani Students. Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology. 2 (1).  ISS, 1-8 ISSN: 1823-1144.

The article reports on a study that elucidated the extent of the utilisation and benefits of instructional media as perceived by Omani students. A questionnaire consisting of a list of the commonly available media at schools was deployed. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to a sample of 970 students drawn randomly from the Muscat area in Oman. The results showed that boards, maps, tables, illustrations and graphs were the most frequent media usedin the teaching of social studies courses as perceived by the students. In terms of the benefits, the results showed that the boards, maps, tables and illustrations were the most useful media. The results also revealed that there was no significant difference between the perceptions of female and male students regarding the utilisation of media. However, more female students noted that the benefits they rendered were higher. A comparative analysis between the course levels revealed that the students’ perception of the utilisation and benefits of various media in the preparatory course level was higher than that of secondary course levels. The discussion of the results, in particular pertaining to the provision of the media usage for their benefit in teaching and learning for the Omani students will be discussed and

Artikel ini melaporkan penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan dankeuntungan media pembelajaran siswa Omani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara persepsisiswa perempuan dan laki-laki tentang pemanfaatan media. Namun,banyak siswa perempuan yang mencatat bahwa manfaat yang merekadapatkan lebih tinggi. Sebuah analisis perbandingan antara tingkat kursus yang mengungkapkan bahwa persepsi siswa tentangpemanfaatan dan manfaat dari berbagai media di tingkat persiapanpembelajaran lebih tinggi daripada tingkat pembelajaran yangsekunder.

(21).     Bookhagen, A.D., Wegenast, D.P., McCowan, R.J., (2002). Multimedia Interactive Training Development- Journey: Discovering Social Services CD-ROM.
Journal of Technology in Human Services; 2002, Vol. 20 Issue 3/4, p333. ISSN:15228835.

            This article describes a multimedia 9-module training program which uses text, graphics, animation, narration, and video as well as a planned approach to the use of color, pace, tone, setting, and instructional activities to achieve its goal of orienting new workers to the complexity of a public social service agency.

Artikel ini menjelaskan program 9-modul pelatihan multimedia yangmenggunakan teks, grafik, animasi, narasi, dan video serta pendekatandirencanakan untuk penggunaan warna, kecepatan, pengaturan nada, dan kegiatan instruksional untuk mencapai tujuan dalam orientasi pekerja baruuntuk kompleksitas sebuah lembaga pelayanan publik sosial.

(22).  Whitworth, S., & Berson, M.J. (2003). Computer technology in the social studies: An examination of the effectiveness literature (1996-2001). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2(4), 472-509.

Within the social studies, technology has served a dual role as an important instructional tool that may have a significant effect on the global, political, social, and economic functioning of American society. As both a method of instruction and a topic of instruction, the impact of computers and technology on social studies is immense. However, the extent to which this potential is being fully realized in the social studies classroom has not been sufficiently explored. Technology-based learning has the potential to facilitate development of students’ decision-making and problem solving skills, data processing skills, and communication capabilities. Through the computer, students may gain access to expansive knowledge links and broaden their exposure to diverse people and perspectives; hence, affording students the opportunity to become active participants in an increasingly global and interactive world. The technological shift in society has occurred very rapidly, and the field of education is attempting to keep up the pace. Recent advances now allow computer technology to serve many more functions for the social studies classroom than merely accessing information through the Internet (Berson,1996; Diem 2000; Mason et al., 2000). For educators to fully take advantage of the technology available, the technology must be infused more into daily instruction and not used as a mere appendage during one or two lessons (Berson, 1996). Yet, articles continually appear that merely list a wealth of Internet sites with little guidance on how the busy teacher can incorporate these resources into a lesson or project. Typically, educators rely on inservice trainings, state and national conferences, and educational newsletters and/or journals to receive updates on the latest uses of technology in the social studies classrooms. In an effort to determine just how far the fieldhas come and to assess the trends and patterns of use of technology in the social studies over the past five years, this article will (a) examine the general trends in the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) publications and over 300 other articles, chapters, books, and government reports, and (b) present the results from content analysis data of selected technology related articles from 1996-2001.

Teknologi memiliki peran ganda sebagai alat pembelajaran penting yang memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan dalam bidang sosial, politik, dan ekonomi masyarakat Amerika. Pembelajaran berbasis teknologi memiliki potensi dalam memfasilitasi pembuatan keputusan siswa dan keterampilan pemecahan masalah, keterampilan memproses data, dan kemampuan berkomunikasi. Akhir-akhir ini teknologi komputer memberikan banyak manfaat bagi kelas pembelajaran sosial dibandingkan mengakses informasi melalui internet. Para pendidik harus memanfaatkan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran dan tidak hanya menggunakan teknologi pada satu atau dua mata pelajaran.

(23). Horton, L., Liu, M., Brockmann, D., Chang, H., Gibbs, I., Lee, S.T. & Traphagan, T. (2006). Designing Interactive Multimedia to Promote Cultural Awareness Among Middle School Social Studies Students. In E. Pearson & P. Bohman (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on EducationalMultimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006 (pp. 2829-2834). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

This presentation describes the development of an interactive multimedia learning environment called Not Just Sushi to support inquiry-based learning in sixth grade Social Studies classrooms. The goals of the project are to enhance appreciation and understanding of Japanese culture through an exploration of Japanese food. The project was developed by a team of six graduate Instructional Technology students at The University of Texas at Austin who were engaged in a course that situates learning amid real-world design projects. The project team was responsible for each phase of the development cycle, including planning and instructional design, design and development, user testing, and implementation. The development process exposed the project team to the challenges of designing interactive multimedia for instructional purposes, and specifically to the idiosyncrasies of designing Social Studies instruction. Having completed the project and field testing, the project team has identified opportunities to further extend and enhance the project in subsequent iterations.

Presentasi ini menggambarkan perkembangan pembelajaran multimedia interaktif  dalam lingkungan yang disebut Not Just Sushi untuk mendukung pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri pada kelas pembelajaran sosial kelas 6. Proyek yang dikembangkan oleh tim siswa pembelajaran teknologi semester 6 pada Universitas Texas yang dikaitkan pada pengajaran yang situasi pembelajarnnya diantara rancangan proyek dan dunia nyata. Perkembangan proses mengarahkan tim proyek pada rancangan multimedia interaktif untuk tujuan pembelajaran, khususnya istimewa untuk rancangan pengajaran pada pembelajaran sosial.

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